Left Field Football Collective #LFFC

Founded by three friends (during lockdown), we are Left Field Football Collective.


Myself, Sophie and Monica are all parents who work in the creative industries and like many others it’s been a real juggling act during lockdown. Left Field was created as a chance to exercise together, escape the routine and make new friends. Our team is about promoting wellbeing.

In August we will be joining the 6 a side unisex Leisure League at the Nest. We currently train informally at Eagle Park. All are welcome and for more information, please message Monica via our Instagram.


Training Sunday, 4pm at Eagle Park.

For more information contact Monica via our Instagram.


The name, Left Field Football Collective, arose during conversation, I wanted something that summed up how we all think about things a little different, a little ‘left field’. On the pitch we’re shortened to field. Our team is made up of myself, a photographer and designer, Monica, founder and partner of design collective Par Avion and Sophie, head booker at Crumb. We are not exclusively creative industries – there is a real blend of industries and interests – we have several illustrators, a chef, hairdresser, PT amongst others and it is all about good vibes.


Our training sessions have been run as a collective and more recently with a PT.

Our routine is warm up, skills & drills, a match, followed by a warm down stretch or yoga accompanied by music. Obviously, all in line with government advice. Having friends and family join in during training and just generally support our vision has been really special.

We are delighted to have the Bowling House as our after training, food and drink venue. We have exciting announcements to share in time.


Please tell your friends and family, we hope to see more new faces at training. Love from Fiona, Monica and Sophie.